Saturday, September 7, 2024

SqueezeCMM, B2BNN’s Sister Company, Releases New Conversion Tracking Module

Our sister company SqueezeCMM, an enterprise content measurement platform, launched a new module today for tracking conversion performance from native ads and branded content. It’s now the first platform that can track content responses across organic, paid, social, messaging, and native platforms. Mediacom said that the company’s classification engine allows for psychographic targeting. It also improved social ad targeting performance by 30%.

You can try SqueezeCMM Native on their site at and learn more in this press release:

SqueezeCMM releases B2B native advertising lead-gen tracking module
Toronto, March 10 – SqueezeCMM announced today a new module that will allow B2B marketers to track lead-generation and conversion from native ads.


While most marketers have a number of data tools at their fingertips for tracking how audiences consume native advertising, SqueezeCMM B2B Native Ads will fill in the missing gap of what audiences do once they’ve left the native ad.


“Marketers everywhere are increasing their native ad spend, but with content being distributed over so many channels, marketers have no clue what works, which channels drive leads and if the audience that reads a native ad converts,” says Jennifer Evans, Co-Founder of SqueezeCMM. “The new SqueezeCMM B2B Native Ads module was built to help marketers measure business outcome and performance from native.”

The SqueezeCMM B2B Native Ads module allows marketers to:


  • Track leads and conversion from native advertising.
  • Track distribution performance to understand which sites deliver the best leads, opt-ins and conversions.
  • Understand how content types, publishing times and platforms impact conversion.
  • Differentiate how audiences behave once they move from a native ad and end up on-site or in a conversion funnel.

SqueezeCMM B2B Native Ads is powered by the SqueezeCMM platform, but built specifically for tracking native advertising performance. Customers who already use SqueezeCMM for other types of content marketing measurement can add the B2B Native Ads module to existing SqueezeCMM dashboards in order their leverage data and insight.
“SqueezeCMM can optimize targeting by up to 30%,” said Gary Coichy, Associate Director, MediaCom.

SqueezeCMM B2B Native Ads comes with customer, publisher and agency dashboards so each stakeholder can see performance, in real-time. A centralized view also lets marketers see performance data through to lead generation and conversion for all their native ad campaigns in one place – regardless of how many native ads are published, or where they’re published.
“It’s one thing to have reach from a native ad, but eventually marketers need to know if native ads and the publishers that offer them create business outcomes,” says Chris Hogg, a Partner at SqueezeCMM. “SqueezeCMM B2B Native Ads shows native performance to lead generation, validates that clicks are human, and applies a standard classification to B2B native ads that can also be applied to other content assets in the organization, for a complete performance picture.”

The company has been testing the platform in beta with several customers and is available now to marketers, agencies and publishers here:
For more information contact John Huang at


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