Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The Times When A Business Owner Absolutely Needs To Take Time Off

It might sound counterproductive, and the idea might be one you want to dismiss immediately but if you’re a business owner, you need to take some time off. Really, you can’t be working 24/7, despite how much time you need to get things off the ground!

It’s a hard truth to hear, but it is an important one. You need to take a break from time to time to ensure you’re always giving 100%. Without using your vacation days to make sure you can relax and recharge away from the business scene, you’re soon going to be running on empty. 

But don’t let yourself believe that having this time away will lead to stagnation. When you’re sipping a drink by the pool and have your phone turned off, it doesn’t mean you’ll be missing out. The pull of working FOMO is a powerful one, but the more you learn to resist, the better your business efforts will be. 

So let’s go through a few common moments in a business owner’s life when they absolutely need to take time off. Your career isn’t going to suffer – rather the opposite, in fact. 

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At Least Once a Year

Did you know that Americans are unique in how little we go on vacation? Research by Expedia even shows that US citizens are ‘twice as likely’ to go at least a year without having this kind of significant time off when compared to most other countries

As a business owner who works for yourself, that’s the kind of trend you’re going to want to buck. Everyone needs to go on vacation! Vacations make working all the sweeter; you’ve saved up for a couple of weeks in a prime destination and when you come back, you’re going to feel like all that work was worth it. 

It’s why we’ll always recommend having a break at least once a year. You need time away from your desk, even if you’re in the midst of establishing yourself as a business. 

But you don’t need to go on the same vacation everyone else is. Take the time when you feel the need for it, but ultimately, just be sure to take it. 

During Family Troubles

Family troubles require sensitive handling, and you won’t be able to manage that if you don’t have the time off to do it. 

Your attention is going to be torn two ways, and if the business is constantly lighting up your phone and getting you to check every notification, you won’t have the bandwidth to navigate personal territory. 

If your family needs you right now, don’t feel guilty about taking the day. When your home life feels settled and stable, the work you do will be much more efficient and to a higher quality. 

After all, you might be physically at work and putting the hours in, but your mind is elsewhere. Why not go and join your mind, get things resolved, and then come back? It’s the most productive way to ensure you’re not wasting time and energy on either side of your life. 

When You’re Injured

Your health should always come first, especially after a serious injury that’s got you laid up and potentially even waiting on surgery. You should never try to work through the pain – doing so will make the injury worse and extend your recovery time further and further. 

If you’ve sustained an injury at work or home, make sure you take some time to yourself. Start with getting plenty of rest and following the doctor’s orders, then work your way up to resuming your usual day to day activities, which will eventually mean getting back into the workplace. 

It’s important not to rush this process, but we all know just how worrying it can be to have an extended period of time off without a clear end in sight. It can be quite difficult to guess when an injury will heal, especially if you’ve hurt your back or legs. 

It’s why many physical recovery periods also require working with a therapist in the short term. Without some help, the worry over your long term profit margins and being able to pay your bills in and outside of work can be debilitating. 

That’s why we also recommend working with lawyers that specialize in injuries. Williams Caputo personal injury law firm is the kind of service to turn to to check out your chances for compensation. This can be a productive and even motivating part of your recovery, but make sure you feel well enough to go through the process before you start it. 

When You’re Near Burnout

Burnout makes a career ten times harder to build. It affects your work performance in the most insidious way by making you convinced that you’re not up to the task. As a new business owner, a hit to your inner confidence can be killer. 

If you’re not careful, burnout can turn into a never ending cycle. It’s why it’s so important to recognize the signs of being near burnout before you fall into it. Once you’re in, it’s hard to come out again. 

So, have you been dealing with a bit of brain fog and being forgetful lately? Maybe you’re always a bit tired when you’re at work, even though you’re usually very happy to work for yourself? Maybe you’re starting to dread loading up your laptop and getting those emails seen to? 

These are all signs that you’re near the limit; they’re not just annoying things about work you have to push through! Taking time off at this point is essential to coming back to your business with a clear head and a real feeling of capability. 

When You’re Trying to Readjust Work/Life Balance

If you’ve noticed you spend all your time on the work side of life, this could be the biggest indicator you need to take a break. Work/life balance isn’t just a buzzword you can take or leave. It’s a real thing that even business owners need to pay attention to. 

Check your calendar for the next month and see what’s been booked in. If it’s wall to wall work with very little time for yourself or your social life, your engine is going to run dry very soon. 

Indeed, you’ll also be at a higher risk for burnout, which is something you never want to walk into when the warning signs are all there. 

When You’ve Got a Dependable Team

When you’ve put a reliable team together, it really is OK to take a day or two off. You get a small yet much needed break, your employees take the helm, and that means you can relax in peace. 

A dependable team takes time to build, but once you’ve got one, those vacations are going to become much more likely. Trust in your employees, and trust in your own skills to hire the right person for the job. The more you do, the easier it’ll be to take time off. 

Time Off: the Key to a Successful Business

If you’re a business owner, don’t delay your time off. Take it when you need it and use it wisely. Even with a small business that has a lot to prove, when you’re always on the clock, your mind is going to wander. You’re going to need a moment to bring yourself back and fill your batteries back up; burnout is not something you’re just going to be able to push through. 


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