Wednesday, October 16, 2024

How To Become A Better Problem Solver

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Problem solving is a skill that will get you far in almost all careers. If your problem solving skills are lacking, this itself is a problem. But like all problems, it’s one that you can overcome!

The ability to solve problems requires using creativity and logic together. It involves using multiple parts of your brain. However, you don’t necessarily need to have a high IQ to be a good problem solver. You simply need to know how to engage your brain in the right way. Here are just a few tips on how to become better at solving problems.

Focus on a solution, not the problem

Problem solving first requires optimism. Too many people focus on the negative impact of the problem and start going through all the disastrous scenarios that could occur next. While considering these scenarios can sometimes be important for damage control, it’s important that you start looking at solutions as soon as you can. 

Think about what went wrong and then address exactly how you can fix it. Don’t look at people to blame, as this is also focusing on the problem. You can reprimand people later if necessary, but for now you need to make sure that everyone comes together and works in harmony (finger pointing will just get in the way of this). 

Take time to brainstorm

One of the best ways to solve a problem is to brainstorm. This involves throwing out as many ideas as you can and then narrowing down these ideas to find the best one. You can do this by writing out notes on paper, a whiteboard or even on your phone. 

Don’t immediately rule out outrageous and wild ideas – focus purely on jotting down as many ideas as you can and then consider the practicality of each one. If the most practical ideas don’t work, you may just find that the wild ideas aren’t as crazy as you first assumed. 

Be prepared to test different solutions

Sometimes you won’t have time or resources to test multiple solutions and will have to choose one solution to commit to. However, in other cases, testing will be possible.

For example, if you’ve been sending out marketing emails and none of them are generating leads, it’s possible to then test two different solutions using A/B testing. This involves sending out two different improved emails and seeing which – if any – gets better results.

If there’s no time limit or limit of resources, consider testing out as many solutions as you can until you get the right results. It’s worth noting that there are cases where you may be able to use software or focus groups to test your solutions so that you’re not having to test directly on customers.  

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Some of us are determined to solve problems alone, and there may be cases when this is necessary. But there are also many situations where it’s perfectly acceptable to ask for help. Other people can help suggest solution ideas or ask questions that can help you to independently find a solution.

If you’re a business owner, consider reaching out to consultants such as financial advisors or legal advisors. If you’re an employee, don’t be afraid to reach out to colleagues or even your managers. There may be cases where you can even learn from colleagues or employees who are less experienced than you – a fresh perspective may actually lead to out-of-the-box thinking. Of course, those who are more experienced can offer wisdom, which is also valuable. A range of opinions may help you to find the best solution. 

Research solutions online

It’s possible that other people may have experienced similar problems and shared their solutions online. In some cases, you may even be able to find free expert advice on the internet. Make sure to take advantage of this valuable resource.

It’s important to remember that there is a lot of bad advice on the internet and that you should try to research solutions from multiple perspectives. If someone is saying one thing and someone else is saying another, consider researching further to see if other people agree more with one solution than the other. 

You won’t always find your answers on the internet. In fact, there could be many problems specific to your business that only you can solve. However, it’s always worth looking just in case.

Try working backwards

Some problems are easier to solve by working backwards. The technical term for this is retrograde analysis. This involves visualising the perfect outcome and then tracing the steps backwards from this perfect outcome.

For example, need to make several cutbacks to your business spending? Instead of starting by considering the expenses you want to eliminate, start by considering the most important expenses you can’t do without. Then gradually work your way down to the least important expenses. Doing this may help you to have a clearer idea as to the cutbacks you should and shouldn’t be making. 

Consider a change of environment

Constantly surrounding yourself with the same four walls could be stifling your creativity. Many of us associate a certain environment with a certain mode of thinking. It’s only until we take ourselves out of that environment that we begin to think differently.

A fresh environment could involve stepping outside for a few minutes to clear your ahead. Alternatively, when it comes to problems that you have more time to solve, consider going to a local park or a local coffee bar. Alternatively, you could try somewhere even more inspiring such as a museum, a church or a library. Force yourself to take a break from thinking about the problem and you may find that when you return to it you approach it with fresh ideas. A new environment may help to see things from a different perspective.

Train your brain with puzzles

Puzzles are a mental exercise that can make you better at solving problems. They can encourage you to explore different options and think faster (especially timed puzzles).

What are a few different puzzles you can train your brain with? A crossword or a sudoku could be the perfect daily exercise to get you better at problem solving. Many video games can also encourage problem solving and may integrate puzzles. Certain board games and card games can also test one’s problem solving skills. 

Embrace modern technology

Modern technology can help us to solve many problems – providing that we’re willing to embrace it and don’t rely entirely on it. Analytics tools can help us to visualise data and look at trends in order to work out improvements. Meanwhile, AI tools like ChatGPT can help suggest solutions and even create writing drafts or help solve equations. 

Consider whether technology is the answer – and if so which tech? There are different types of software aimed at solving different specialist problems, and it’s important to invest in the right tech. If you are a business owner, you have the freedom to choose the tech you think is right. If you are an employee, you may have to discuss tech solutions with a manager, as many of the best programs aren’t free.

Sleep on it

Providing you can put off a solution until tomorrow, consider whether it’s worth sleeping on a problem – especially if you’ve spent ages already racking your brains. It’s while we’re asleep that our brain organises memories, which can help us to more easily prioritise important information the next day. You could also find that your brain works on the problem while you’re asleep.

Being well rested is essential to solving problems efficiently, as our brain is less effective at approaching problems when we are tired. If you’re sleep deprived, it could be key that you get some sleep before taking on the problem. Even a power nap could be enough to help you concentrate.

Worried that you won’t be able to get to sleep, because you’ll be worried about the problem? Make sure that you’re not working on the problem directly before you go to bed. Decide early that you will confront the problem tomorrow and spend your evening focusing on other relaxing tasks that are likely to distract you like talking to friends, reading a book, watching a movie you’ve never seen or trying to prepare a new meal. 

Don’t keep delaying it

While a new environment or a good night’s sleep can help us to tackle problems, you don’t want to keep delaying problems that are time sensitive. Too many of us put off dealing with problems because they are too difficult, time-consuming or unpleasant. If you keep procrastinating and ignoring the problem, it could get worse. Therefore it’s important to know when to stop delaying dealing with a problem.

Some problems have an easy solution – we just don’t want to deal with them there and then because they require doing something that isn’t fun or result in us having to disrupt other tasks. It’s important to tackle these problems as soon as possible so that we’ve got them out of the way.


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