Monday, September 16, 2024

Improving Your Business’ Onboarding Process

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Onboarding is really important process in any business because the sooner you can turn those fresh new employees into confident members of the team, the better, but it is one that many companies do not take seriously enough, or that they often get very wrong. 

With that in mind, let’s take a look at some simple things you can do to improve your company’s onboarding process moving forward.

1. Let’s Get Digital, Digital!

These days, the last thing your new hires need is a stack of papers that’s taller than them when they start out on the job. We live in the digital age, so you are going to want to make sure that your onboarding process includes digitized manuals, as well as contracts that can be signed online using DocuSign, and stuff like that.

2. Video Killed the Policy Star

Reading policy documents is very few people’s idea of a good time, but obviously, you want your new hires to know the basics, so what can you do? Well, you can use the best free video capture software to create training videos that are actually engaging instead! Record key team members explaining the ins and outs, add some b-roll of the team in action, and suddenly, you’ve got a blockbuster hit that educates while it entertains.

3. Gamify the Grind

Who said learning the ropes couldn’t be fun? Gamify your onboarding process by introducing leaderboards, points, and rewards for completing training modules. Platforms like Kahoot! or even simple custom quizzes can bring out the competitive spirit in your team, making learning about company policies, software, or safety procedures an exciting challenge rather than a chore.

4. A Buddy System That’s Actually Cool

Pair each newcomer with a seasoned vet in your buddy system. But don’t just pick anyone; choose mentors who are not only knowledgeable but also have the charisma of a late-night show host. This buddy is part guide, part cheerleader, and fully invested in making the newbie feel like part of the family from day one.

5. Feedback Loops That Don’t Make You Loop-De-Loop

Feedback is crucial, but it shouldn’t feel like a trip through bureaucratic hoops. Set up simple, straightforward channels where new hires can give and receive feedback regularly. Tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams can facilitate casual yet constructive conversations that help new team members adjust and grow without the formal fear of traditional review systems.

6. Culture Clubs

Get your groove on with culture clubs or interest groups within the company. Whether it’s a book club, a coding group, or a fantasy football league, giving new hires the chance to join groups that interest them helps integrate them into the community. It shows that your company values both their professional skills and personal interests.

7. Real-World Missions

Nothing beats learning by doing. As soon as possible, involve your newbies in real, meaningful projects. This not only boosts their confidence but also gives them a taste of what their day-to-day job will look like. It’s a hands-on approach that builds competence and commitment.

8. Swag Bag Extravaganza

Everybody loves free stuff, but let’s make it memorable. Don’t just hand out pens and notepads; think bigger. Custom hoodies, a quirky mug, or even a tech gadget can make a new employee feel like they’ve just won a prize on a game show. Plus, it’s great for team spirit and brand loyalty.

9. Office Tours with a Twist

Skip the standard office tour and turn it into a scavenger hunt. Arm your new hires with a list of key locations they need to find (like the best coffee spot, the quietest workspace, or the emergency exits). At each stop, they can collect a small token or piece of information. It’s an engaging way to make your office layout stick in their minds.

10. Welcome Packs That Actually Welcome

Alongside the cool swag, it’s never a bad idea to offer your new hires a personalized welcome pack that not only ensures that they have all of the tools of the trade they require, but which also has a fun little guide to the company, it’s culture, and any insider tips they may need to ace their new role – things like the best places to grab lunch or the silly slang that only people working in the office will know. They’ll fit right in!

11. Interactive Onboarding Webinars

Instead of the usual lecture-style orientations, why not spice things up with interactive webinars? Use platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams to host live sessions where new hires can interact not just with the HR team but also with each other. Incorporate live polls, Q&A segments, and breakout rooms where small groups can discuss specific topics or challenges. This approach makes the information session more engaging and less of a monologue.

12. Virtual Reality Tours

Take the traditional office tour into the future with virtual reality. Creating a VR tour of your office can be an exciting way for remote or future employees to feel connected to the workspace and team. They can “walk” through the office, check out their desk area, and even meet their team members through pre-recorded videos or avatars. This high-tech approach can make a big impact, particularly for companies with a strong focus on innovation.

13. First-Day Fun Facts

Break the ice on the first day by having each new hire share a fun fact about themselves during the introduction session. This can be done via a shared digital whiteboard or during a group video call. It’s a simple, light-hearted way to start building personal connections and make everyone feel more comfortable in their new work environment.

14. Onboarding Progress Tracker

Develop an onboarding progress tracker that new hires can access to see what’s been completed and what’s still ahead. This can include tasks like training modules, meetings with key team members, and essential paperwork. By gamifying this process with visual progress bars or checkpoints, new hires can feel a sense of achievement as they work through their onboarding journey.

15. Scheduled Check-Ins

Instead of overwhelming new hires with information overload on day one, spread out the onboarding process and schedule regular check-ins. Use these sessions to address any questions that might have popped up, offer additional resources, and gauge how the new employee is settling in. This ongoing support can ease the transition and show new hires that the company is invested in their long-term success.

Start things off on the right foot with these simple onboarding practices!


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