Thursday, October 17, 2024

Guide To Choosing The Right Electronic Signature Software For Your Business

Electronic signatures are superior to wet signatures in every way. One concern about them is that they’re vulnerable to manipulation; however, this idea rests on the myth that wet ink is somehow safer. If anything, these e-signatures leave a digital footprint, which makes subsequent diagnostics possible.

In the eyes of the law, electronic signatures are just as valid, simpler, more convenient, more consistent, and, in every conceivable way, superior. 

Still, there are a lot of electronic signature platforms out there, and picking the right one might turn out to be quite a challenge. With that in mind, here’s a brief guide to choosing the right electronic signature software for your business. 

  1. Simplicity of use

Considering that you’ll use this to sign incredible volumes of documents, it’s best if the platform is as simple to use as possible. After all, one of the key reasons why electronic signatures are in use is simplicity.

Moreover, you won’t be the only person signing within your organization. This means that you should probably pick something that’s easy to learn. Onboarding is a serious drain on yoru resources, especially since you never know if the person involved has any kind of previous experience with e-signatures. 

Remember that it’s not just the signature. There are so many work processes that your team will have to learn how to deal with, which is why you need to go as simple as possible… at least here. 

The simpler, the better is the criterion that you just cannot go wrong with. 

  1. Features and integrations

The most important factor of them all is the features available. This is something that’s fairly easy to research, seeing as how each signature service provider will advertise them pretty openly. After all, a good set of features is the best USP (unique selling point) of the software.

This way, you can do your research and compare these features or even find one of the platforms that specializes in software comparisons. This way, you get the rundown of the value for your money and the differences between platforms. 

Another thing you need to keep in mind is the importance of integrations.

It’s never just an e-signature. This document needs to be shared or used in some other way, which means that if you’re really about efficiency and saving time, it’s vital that you pick something that can be integrated with all the other tools and platforms that you’re using. 

One such example is the Procore Dropbox integration, which will allow you to receive, sign, and share documents in a matter of seconds. Once set up (which is also a fairly simple process), it will save you an incredible amount of time.

  1. Evaluating cost

Figuring out the cost is easy. You just go to the site and check the pricing. The problem lies in evaluating the value that you’re getting for this cost. Needless to say, this task is far more difficult.

First, you need to check for scalability. Are there different plans, and do you have the option to upgrade/downgrade later on? Sometimes, the cost scales with the number of users, which means that you might save quite a bit when choosing larger packages.  

Next, it’s important to consider what you’re getting for this money. A number of features are great to consider as a criterion, but they can mislead you. 

You see, no e-signature company will make the platform just for your business. This means that they have to create and offer a wide variety of features, some of which are completely essential for your line of work, while others may be unnecessary. 

While you usually have the option to customize the interface, you can’t just pick and choose features. You pay for the package. However, sometimes, the difference in price comes from a difference in a feature that you have no interest in whatsoever. In this scenario, overpaying when there’s a better alternative doesn’t make much sense. 

  1. Mobile-friendliness

Lastly, you need a platform that’s mobile-friendly.

Everyone uses a phone, and even people who don’t see it as their primary work platform will use their phone. After all, people open files from their phones, check their email and do much more this way. 

This is why checking how well the platform behaves when utilized by mobile users might be one of the biggest factors in choosing the right electronic signature software for your business. 

Keep in mind that, regardless of the model, you want the platform to perform equally well across all your devices. Still, when you have to prioritize, your main device (the one you usually work from) and mobile need to be the most important ones. 

  1. The reputation of the vendor

How much a firm spends on marketing is a great indicator of how serious they are, but this can sometimes have an adverse effect on your research. Of course, everything runs smoothly when you go to their page and read their list of features.

Even when reading reviews (with pros and cons listed), you’ll usually see far more pros and cons that will not even be that negative. This is because even these reviews are often written by marketers trying to present the platform in the best light.

To avoid all of this, you need to check the reputation of the vendor to the best of your abilities. Read comments but also engage in some social media listening. Visit subreddits and forums to discuss the subject matter. 

Keep in mind that you’re looking for a platform that you’ll be able to reliably use for years to come, not just pick something that you can later change at your own behest. Sure, you can change it, but it would be ideal if you didn’t have to. 

Wrap up

Ultimately, using any electronic signature will be an upgrade over not using any. At the same time, you want to make a good decision for the sake of business efficiency, cost control, and overall convenience on your part. If you make a good choice, you’ll only have to make it once so don’t be afraid to use some time to think this through. 


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