Thursday, March 6, 2025

Investing In Your Staff Safety Off-Premises

Last updated on September 4th, 2023 at 10:42 am

Most ethical businesses understand that how their staff choose to live in their free time is their business, not the realm of the company to pass judgment on. Of course, there are certainly reasonable limits to this. If your employee brings your company into disrepute by association, then disciplinary measures or even ceased employment contracts could be a reasonable response. For example, if one of your managers takes up long, vitriolic political ranting and arguments with internet strangers over good social media sense, then this can ultimately backfire on your brand.

As such, sometimes a hands-off approach doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be ignorant towards the activities of your staff. In some cases, this can do nothing but help them. For example, most companies will instruct their HR departments to help manage personal conflicts and difficulties that staff might be experiencing, such as assisting a staff member through bereavement and referring them to the appropriate services that can help.

For example, when your staff leave your building, you may be legally “off the hook” for their safety. But that doesn’t mean you can’t invest in systems that help them stay safe and protected when outside of your building. Here’s how you might achieve that:

Great Lighting

Good lighting at night or on a dark winter evening can provide staff a clear and confident route to their car, or walking away from your premises. It means that those who may want to trespass on your building have little chance to confront a staff member without being noticed well in advance, and it also means cars parking near your building will be highly aware of a pedestrian, your staff member, there. It will ensure that no matter what, if it’s going on around your building, people can see it.


You may not have security dominion over a certain border outside of your premises, but you can still use CCTV to ensure that activities are well-documented. For example, if your employee encounters harm thanks to a passing car, you can submit the footage to their pedestrian injury lawyer and proactively support them in their case. You can also prove their account where necessary. For example, if a difficulty with a side door is locked, your staff can prove that they locked it correctly and the issue was internal. CCTV not only protects your firm but everyone in proximity to it as well.

Community Engagement

It’s healthy for a business to be focused on its local community and to work with other businesses and the local authority to improve their surroundings. For example, you might work to install a smoking shelter on the joint car parking zone of an industrial estate, as this localized space can prevent other non-smoking staff from walking through smoke clouds every morning and evening. You can also work with outreach centres such as by sponsoring support programs to prevent drug-users from culminating around your building’s alleys and ginnels. Community engagement is not there to dismiss or marginalise anyone but can create a healthier atmosphere for your staff.

With this advice, you’ll be sure to invest in your staff safety, even off-premises.


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