Saturday, September 7, 2024

What to do if You are in a Road Traffic Accident

Last updated on June 19th, 2024 at 06:24 am

If you are a driver, then there is a high probability that, at some point, you will be involved in a road traffic accident; the odds are even higher if you drive for a living. Accidents on the road are a very common occurrence. Only a small percentage of them may be fatal, but any accident or any severity can prevent you from thinking clearly and making the right choices. When you have an accident, it is important that you do the right things at the worse possible time. To help you out, here are a few things to bear in mind:


Do Not Apologize or Admit Liability

The worse thing you can do after an accident is say ‘i’m sorry’ to anyone for any reason – this includes other drivers who may have been held up because of your accident. The other driver may try to pressure you to apologize, and even if you think you are at fault, never say it. You are not in full possession of the facts. What you think happened may not have happened. It is up to the insurance companies to figure out what happened and who’s at fault. So, avoid this at all costs. Say nothing at all. Anything you do say will be used as evidence against you in the future. 


Although some injuries are obvious such as these truck accident injuries, and quite clearly will affect you for a long time, sometimes injuries after an accident don’t show up immediately. It could take a few hours or a few days, or even weeks later. It is not unusual for people to develop a bad pain a few days after the accident. Internal bleeding can take a couple of hours or more too. So it is important that you never tell the other driver or anyone else that turns up that you are uninjured. If you do say this, you may not be able to claim compensation. 

Avoid Listening to Other Accounts of What Happened

It is important that you gather your thoughts and don’t confuse yourself. When an accident has occurred, you are not going to be in the best headspace. It is very easy to be in a daze and not have your wits about you. You need to stay away from the other driver or any witnesses. They are going to be giving their version of events, and you don’t want their version of events to get in your head and become your version. So, stay away from other people as best you can.  

Speak to a Lawyer

There are plenty of lawyers out there who can help you make a claim if you are in a road traffic accident. A lawyer can advise you on the best course of action. So, if you are at all confused about what to do after an accident. Say nothing until you have spoken to an attorney. If this is an accident while driving for work, then the same rules apply, but you will need to talk to the company’s lawyer. Get the help that you need as fast as possible, you can call for help. You should also seek medical assistance if necessary. Your lawyer can use the medical report to build a case for proper compensation if you suffered injuries.


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