Saturday, February 22, 2025

Five Tips To Expand A Business In 2023

Last updated on April 21st, 2023 at 07:26 am

Looking to expand the business in 2023? It’s the start of a new year so this time in between can be a perfect opportunity to work toward business expansion. Often enough, a business that’s been running for a while can get itself into a regular rhythm with its performance.

As a company, it’s important to always be on an upward trajectory, especially in the early days. However, if it feels like it’s continuously coasting at the moment, it may be worthwhile to make some productive changes. Here are five tips to expand a business in 2023. 

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Set achievable goals

It’s important to generate goals because that can provide a business with direction and motivation to perform. However, setting goals comes with parameters. The parameters of what the business can do are essential to consider because no business should be setting goals that are impossible. 

Of course, goal-setting can adapt and change as the business grows but it’s necessary for businesses to know their limits. Set the goals that the business can achieve within reach now and expand on those goals as the company expands.

Review supplier contracts

Supplier performance is a big one because, without the very best output from suppliers, a lot of the supply chain can come apart. That can be detrimental to business performance and the quality of service that’s delivered to a company’s customers.

With that in mind, review supplier contracts and assess whether the business is getting the best output desired. From a gummy manufacturer that creates the products to the social media agency that supplies the brand’s content online, it all needs to be building from strength to strength.

These suppliers should also be willing to adapt and grow with the company’s expansion too.

Hire more team members

To expand a business, it often means the team needs to expand too. Hiring new staff is always a risk and it should only be done at the right time. Is there a need for a new member of staff now or is the capacity currently manageable if the role is shared amongst current employees?

It’s all about finding the balance and only hiring when it benefits the company beyond just being an extra pair of hands.

Get The Right Funding

You could need outside funding to help you expand a business, and there are various options for this. Make sure you know as much as possible about them before picking one. Knowing the requirements for each is a key part of this. You need life insurance for SBA loan applications, for example.

Take the time to figure out what funding you’re eligible for and that works best for you.

Consider global takeover if applicable

With the internet and living in the digital age, there’s an opportunity for more businesses to reach global success. A global takeover might not be for everyone, but it’s certainly worth trying if there’s a market for it.

It’s worthwhile doing market research to consider whether it’s viable and how much is needed to make it possible.

Concentrate on building loyal followers

Building loyal followers are important and it’s something that can take time. From interacting on social media to building a reputation amongst customers via newsletters and customer service support. Retaining customers is a lot more beneficial than trying to hop from one new customer to another.

Expanding a business in 2023 has its challenges but with the right tips, this can turn into something bigger than expected.


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