Thursday, December 19, 2024

Healthcare App Development: the Importance of UI/UX Design 

Last updated on July 15th, 2024 at 11:03 am

The COVID-19 pandemic provoked a drastic increase in healthcare software development and use. More and more people are downloading health apps for different purposes. This ever-growing demand encourages healthcare software solutions companies to seek new efficient solutions. Given the number of users who need intuitively understandable apps, developers pay attention to each aspect, including UI/UX design. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of design in healthcare app development. 

The variety of healthcare apps

Modern healthcare solutions are numerous and have different target audiences. Firstly, there are two large groups. These are software for medical professionals and apps for patients, fitness lovers, and other lay users. Health monitoring apps, surgery software, hospital management software, EHR systems, telemedicine apps, doctor appointment apps, and fitness apps – these are just a few examples of what is popular on the market. Healthcare facilities opt for professional solutions to improve the quality of services and facilitate the work of the medical staff. Patients need apps that give clear instructions. So, they will not get lost in loads of medical information that may scare them off. 

Secondly, there are web and mobile applications in the healthcare industry. They significantly differ in terms of UI/UX design. A mobile app should not be a mere copy of a corresponding web solution as the screens of desktop computers and laptops significantly exceed those of smartphones in resolution. Successful home care agency software brings a host of advantages by optimizing administrative duties, enhancing care coordination, and facilitating effective communication between caregivers, clients, and their families who can easily navigate the system. This results in improved operational efficiency, better client outcomes, simplified scheduling and billing processes, real-time access to crucial information, and compliance with regulatory standards, ultimately leading to time and cost savings for home care agencies. 

Features of a successful healthcare solution

  • It meets the requirements of the target audience

When developing a healthcare app, you should research your target audience. There is no such thing as a universal product able to meet the requirements of all user groups. Doctors use EHRs, hospital management software, such reference apps as Human Anatomy Atlas, etc. People who maintain a healthy lifestyle opt for fitness trackers. Chronic patients need remote monitoring applications, and so on. 

  • Simplicity and clarity

An intuitively understandable interface is the key to success. Menus, buttons, icons, and fonts play an important role. Minimalist design is a good option as it lets users keep all necessary information at hand. 

  • Good functionality

The type of an app defines its functionality. For example, medical professionals must get quick access to relevant data (EHRs, lists of vaccinations, allergies, X-rays, etc.). Any app should have a set of primary functions. For example, telemedicine apps must include video conferencing. The success of a medication app largely depends on the system of notifications. Additionally, those looking for comprehensive insights can refer to this article about EHRs for small practices, which offers detailed guidance into the operations of electronic healthcare systems used in a wide variety of different medical practices.

  • Clear navigation

A clear navigational structure, speed, and ease of use are crucially important. When considering a new solution, designers may follow the three-click rule. It will save users time and effort, as all the relevant information will be available in just three transitions. A medical app may be complex and multifunctional; however, a patient may use it for one purpose. Therefore, you should place the main app functions on the home screen. 

  • Attractive colour scheme

There are no restrictions on the choice of colours for a medical app. But numerous healthcare apps are in neutral shades. Calm blue and green are especially popular. The idea behind such solutions is that a medical app should not provoke anxiety or fear. However, it depends on the application type. Thus, certain fitness apps have red, orange, or yellow as their dominant colours because they add energy. Just keep in mind that colour symbolism varies in different countries and cultures. 

  • Personalization

To make users happier with a medical app, you should make it customizable. Thus, different users prefer different colour schemes or change the font size to make the text easier to read. AI algorithms in reference apps define the interests of a particular user. The platform will suggest useful articles, data, and other relevant information.  

  • Accessibility

Most non-professional healthcare apps are developed for people suffering from various illnesses. UI/UX designers should consider their needs. Thus, the elderly and the visually impaired might want simple apps with intuitive icons and readable fonts. A patient with motion sickness won’t tolerate an app with excessive animation. 

  • Positive attitude

Interaction with a healthcare app should be a positive experience. Patients have much to worry about, and the apps they use should make a positive impression and calm them down. There are many solutions based on gamification. A system of awards, storytelling, and avatars provokes the desire to use the app, complete the tasks, or advance to the next level. The latter may be relevant for fitness apps used by people who need challenges in their everyday life.  


Healthcare application design may seem secondary to functionality. However, the success of an app largely depends on its user-friendliness. Your platform may include comprehensive medical information, numerous functions, and options but remain hardly usable. In this case, most patients will abandon it in favour of less complex but clear healthcare solutions. That is why you need to think about UI/UX design when considering a new medical project. Leading healthcare software development companies can provide a team of experienced designers ready to create new solutions that will be both efficient and aesthetically appealing. Doctors will appreciate applications that help to optimize the workflow and save time. Also, they should keep all relevant data at hand, on the home screen. Patients, in their turn, will be thankful if using an app will help to relieve stress caused by their illnesses.


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