Monday, March 3, 2025

A PR approach that contributes directly to company growth

If you want to grow your B2B firm, you probably struggle with financial limitations. Well, even if you can’t afford major advertising and marketing initiatives, you can still boost positive awareness without spending a dime.

How? (Que the angelic music…) Start public relations (PR) activities.

How to Generate Fast Growth with PR

Public relations is all about getting your message out to the right media so that your targeted audience-members learn about the benefits of your products and services.

If done correctly, you can significantly grow your business without a budget. Yes, it takes time and effort, but the results can be well worth it.

Where do you start?

The good news is that you don’t need to hire someone to help you. It’s just a matter of getting organized. To start:

  • Figure out why your business is unique.

    • Do you and your team members have special training, experiences, skills, etc. that stand out?
    • What does your B2B provide that is different from the competition?
    • Do you work with any charities or organizations that help the local community?

Dig deep to clarify why people will want to buy your products and services.

  • Take your unique information and turn it into a story idea.

Remember, media members care about personal stories and successes. They don’t care about the features your B2B offers.

Practice what you want to say so you can provide your pitch in a matter of seconds.


  • Look up local media members online, and write down their contact information.

Call them on the phone, introduce yourself and tell them the story you have to offer. Also, provide your expertise for future stories. Reporters like to talk to actual business owners rather than publicists so they might actually listen to you when you call.

At best, you’ll get a story out of your call. At worst, the reporter will now know you are and what your business does.

Create a Press Release

Along with your story idea and media pitch, you can also write a simple press release. Just look at samples of official press releases on PRNewswire or Businesswire, or check out what your competition is doing. Follow the template you find, or have a marketing/PR student write it for you.

Proofread your release for errors, and post it on your site. You can also distribute your release on free sites (just search Google for sites relevant to your industry) or use an inexpensive service like PRWeb.

This way, you can share your story with thousands of people, worldwide, within minutes. And, all it costs is time!

Get the Media to Help You Grow Your B2B

If you want to grow your B2B and money is tight, don’t despair! Get PR working for you.

Develop unique story ideas. Then, write and distribute a press release that showcases the benefits your business offers. Contact pertinent media-members directly, introduce yourself and give your pitch. They might just cover your B2B in their next assignment!

Try these PR tactics, and see what happens. But, here’s a word of warning… be ready to fulfill new orders and scale up right away. After all, one, key press-clipping can take your business to the next level fast!


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Melanie Rembrandt
Melanie Rembrandt
Melanie Rembrandt a B2B content marketing strategist, small business PR expert and published author (Simple Publicity, Secrets of Becoming a Publicist) who helps businesses boost sales, awareness and credibility fast via Rembrandt Communications, LLC.