In StrategyMan vs. The Anti-Strategy Squad, the main characters – StrategyMan, Purposeidon, Innovatara, and our trusty researcher Rich – come to the aid of TechnoBody, an innovative tech company about to launch a new, wearable technology product.
TechnoBody has been targeted by members of the Anti-Strategy Squad, who want to kill the company’s strategic plan by “strategycide.”
Like many other business people, TechnoBody’s managers have created a strategic plan that’s not being used, hasn’t been updated, and mashes together different business planning terms. At the most basic level, TechnoBody’s team is confusing “strategy” with other key concepts. Fortunately, StrategyMan swoops in and clarifies the differences between strategy, goals, objectives, and tactics, so that the managers can develop a plan that’s actionable. Here’s an excerpt: