Monday, March 3, 2025

Self-Publishing: Unlocking a Successful Strategy by Using Social Media

Unlike any other time in human history we have unlimited access to technology and information. At the same time, we also have a lot of resources that allow us to be that much more connected, and to exchange information with other like-minded people.

What has also changed is our ability to self-publish books thanks to the overwhelming tools available today. According to Publishers Weekly, self-publishing continues to expand with International Standard Book Number (ISBN) registrations growing from 21 percent in 2014 to 2015.

The exponential use of social media via devices (smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc.), have opened doors never seen before. To get started in the right direction, a detailed blog post by Steuben Press explains the essential tips for authors to succeed on social media networks.

So, what are the steps to follow? The following steps to undertake a self-publishing venture are:

  1. Start right now
  2. Focus on one platform
  3. Introduce yourself
  4. Expose your book
  5. Avoid over-promoting
  6. Make it relevant

Having your book idea already in mind is a solid start. However, you want to focus on what sort of online branding, or concept your book will be. Everything today is about adding value and providing meaningful hacks to your audience.

It is important to choose one platform instead of several. The simple reason is because you have only so much time and available resources at your disposal. Do not stretch yourself too thin and select the social media platform that you understand. In addition, make some buzz, build loyal followers, and grow engagement.

Whenever you connect with a new user online always introduce yourself. Everything is about that first impression, so never take any of your online exchanges for granted. Be mindful of criticism. Be receptive to constructive feedback, and avoid arguing with troll-like users. They are present on all social media channels, so save your energy and avoid them.

Choose a social channel that you are most comfortable with, and promote your book. There are no specific rules when promoting your own work on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. Include the title of your book in the visible sections of your profile, and add it to your email signature.

Finally, make sure you do not over promote your book. Do not spam people constantly about it, and instead bring it up at times when it’s appropriate. Create Facebook pages or groups, host webinars, Twitter chats, use a few hashtags relevant to your work. Keep things light and never fall to the pitfalls of excessive self-promotion.

Cost associated with self-publishing

Like starting a business, you must get acquainted with your expenses related to launching this project. The following visual graphic compiled by Reedsy explains costs associated with self-publishing:

cost self publishing

As we see the above infographic, the information is organized into several sections. But bear in mind you will have expenses relevant to editing, cover design, and book interior design.

These costs are a general guide, but Reedsy services are available in English anywhere around the globe. Developing this sort of project requires having a topic to write a lot about, and being tolerant of critiques of all sorts. Plus, you will be working with others to collaborate on your project, and must be flexible throughout this process.


Additional benefits of why self-publishing authors need social media

We have learned a bit about the process of creating an online presence for your book, and how to go about it with social media. There are more reasons than not to use these platforms to leverage great exposure.

Notion Press Academy emphasizes reasons why self-publishing authors should use social media. Out of the nine here are some to pay close attention to:

  • Connect with review bloggers
  • Connect with authors
  • Worldwide audience
  • Drive traffic to your blog or website

Of course, you can connect to a local publishing house, or an agency that has book reviewers. With the internet, you can connect with book reviewers at affordable prices from the different social networks. Facebook has an abundance of groups with hundreds, if not thousands, of professionals waiting for their next gig.

Conduct ample research on LinkedIn as it has great resources for authors to try out. Add a badge to your profile and search for discussion groups to grow your network list.  Remember to keep your approach clean, professional and direct. Everyone´s time is valuable, so get right to business.

Let’s remember social media users are connecting from all over the world. It is that much easier to connect, and seek out partnerships. People today love to connect for various reasons like learning about a different culture, a different country, work prospects, book promotions, and more. Keep conversations fluid and natural.

Have a website that is functional, ready and optimized. It is great to have active accounts on social media, but having a website is paramount. Here you can host all the essential details about your book, and who you are. People will refer to your site, so make sure this part is taken care of.


Takeaways and conclusions

Self-publishing holds promising rewards. It is important to remember to have an idea worth writing about, and to do the necessary legwork to put these tips together.

Remember to build your online presence, and to gradually build followership. It cannot be overstated to remember who your audience will be, and what value your book will add for others.

Social media is instrumental to this process. Connecting with publishing houses, and book reviewers has never been easier. Gather enough intelligence on what platform to promote your book. Remember using all of these tools will help improve the writing process.


Feature image credit: Jennifer Evans


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