Sunday, March 9, 2025

International Women’s Day: Be Bold For Change

Last updated on April 26th, 2017 at 09:56 pm

International Women’s Day (IWD) is March 8, with this year’s theme as “be bold for change”.

According to the event’s website, IWD “is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.”

B2B News Network interviewed three successful women B2B CEOs  -Esther Willinger, Andrea Carter and Camilita Nuttall – to gather their opinions on what challenges they have faced, and their thoughts on IWD.


esther willinger
Esther Willinger, Founder, Eden Advertising & Interactive

Founded by Esther Willinger in 1998, Eden Advertising & Interactive has become one of Toronto’s premiere web marketing agencies.

What advice you have for other women in the business world?

My advice to women in the business world is to not look at themselves as a gender vs. another gender.

Embrace your strengths, talents and whatever has brought your to where you are today.

When you are passionate about what you do and are really good at it, your clients, colleagues and employees will see and feel that, and will want to work with you based on those qualities and the energy you exude. That is when you will find true balance, happiness, respect and success working in the business world, regardless of the genders you’re working with, or surrounded by.

Why you believe IWD is good for women?

It gives them support, advice and steps to help empower them.

It also advocates equality for men and women in the business world in areas where there isn’t yet that gender parity.

What has experience taught you about business, and where you see yourself in the category of “be bold for change”?

On a personal level, you need to know yourself as a person and be bold and confident in your strengths so that those around you feel that energy. Once they feel your confidence, enthusiasm and knowledge, your world will start to shift and change in your direction.


andrea carter
Andrea Carter, CEO, Wealthy Woman Warrior™ and Success on Fire Academy™

Andrea Carter is the CEO of Wealthy Woman Warrior™ and Success on Fire Academy™, global training programs for leadership and success.

For the past 20 years, Andrea has combined her clinical expertise with a fusion of science, psychology, and coaching, which has resulted in success for Olympic athletes, Fortune 500 executives, and highly influential women entrepreneurs.

Why is IWD good for women?

IWD is an opportunity for women to be recognized, celebrated and encouraged.

A 2015 McKinsley Report, How Advancing Women’s Equality Can Add 12 Trillion To Global Growth stated, “If women—who account for half the world’s working-age population—do not achieve their full economic potential, the global economy will suffer.”
Its consensus, when speaking with other women professionals, says ‘going it alone’ isn’t working. The three most common reasons most women will say they shy away from collaboration and economic growth are confidence, trust and fear.

At some point over a woman’s professional career, she’s been taken advantage for her ideas, time and efforts.

At some point, she’s had another woman throw her under the bus. At some point, she’s had harsh unfounded criticism. Some people will say, “haven’t we all?” — and yes, that’s true, but there is a distinctive difference between women and men.

Women personalize whereas men compartmentalize. The difference means men get over these experiences faster and move on – women traditionally haven’t.

How can that be changed?

There are three critical factors women can use right now to enable them to step into collaboration for global economic change:

  • Focus on what you want, not what you have. This will mean investing some time in yourself by getting clear and concise on what you want, what you offer and how you benefit others.
  • Start connecting and talking. Identify one area of interest that you’re passionate about first. Start talking about it with others and ask to be introduced to others who share the same values and vision.
  • Start being inclusive, not exclusive. If you know other women at a function, introduce them, watch for the solo woman and include her. Consider how two women you know could be assets for each other, and introduce them. Inclusion is critical for collaboration.


camilita nuttall
Camilita Nuttall, Founder, Event of Champions

UK-based Camilita Nuttall is the founder of Event of Championsâ, and a corporate sales expert, business mentor, author and property investor.

What advice you have for other women in the business world?

With my Event of Champions, which I am bringing to Toronto, June 10, we teach entrepreneurs how to build, sustain and develop a global brand. In that training, I show one top tip all entrepreneurs need to adopt in order to have a balanced life, especially women.

In the age of technology, we tend to treat every message, email or text as urgent when it is not.

Also as business women, we don’t have to pretend to be so strong all the time. My mantra is “ask for help, not because you are weak, but because you want to become strong.”

Sometimes as you juggle family life and business, it can get overwhelming because it’s our nature to take care of everyone.

Don’t feel inadequate or incompetent if it’s not all falling into place.

Why do you believe IWD is good for women?

It reminds women that there are other women in the world going through exactly what they are going through, and they can succeed in whatever endeavours they choose.

What lesson is there to take from “Bold for Change”?

My own slogan is Strong, Bold, Real, Ready.

My quote in Think and Grow Rich for Women: “There is no better time than the present in order to take action to succeed.”

I launched my brand in four countries in under two years. Collaborated with the right people, negotiated with my business partners, and just sold it like it is.


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