Last updated on July 7th, 2016 at 11:50 am
This is part five of a five part series on B2B and Brexit.
Part four here.
Millennials are a group known for being open to diversity, travel, and having entrepreneurial spirit. The leave campaign for Brexit goes against everything that the next generation of leaders of the U.K. believe in. However, only 36 per cent of the 18-24 year old category turned out to vote, making the older generation the ones who had a major say in the outcome of the vote.
As Obama pointed out, the push to leave the EU speaks to the ongoing changes and challenges posed by globalization. The two years it will take for the EU to leave the UK after article 50 is invoked is sure to be a time of questioning of the decision Cameron made to call for a referendum in the first palace.
“The historic vote brings a host of issues from legislative, economic, trade, immigration as well as security. While we wait for the dust to settle on how things are going to be addressed as the separation plans start, it’s important for marketers to not over react,” says Ryan Phelan, VP of Marketing Insights at Adestra. “Laws like the GDPR and other regulations will be sorted out in due time and with the timeline being 2 years, it’s hard for any estimates to hold true at this point. The world is not falling apart, it just got a bit more complex. In the words of the British, Keep Calm, and Carry On.”