Monday, March 3, 2025

10 ways to boost your mobile battery

For workshifting employees and telecommute professionals, extending a mobile device’s battery can be a matter of life or death of a long file. The demand for juice has immensely expanded, particularly as data networks get faster, apps overcrowd the homescreen, and our lifestyles depend more on smartphones and tablets.

We know your eyes are constantly wandering to the battery-life icon on the top right part of your screen, as you pray for a few more minutes of mobile work. But you shouldn’t have to sweat over this tech headache.

Instead, here are our 10 tips to boost your mobile device’s battery:

1. Display Customization

A bright display will cut down on your battery’s life faster than sending a message on Snapchat. By lowering your brightness level as low as possible you will help keep your battery lasting longer. An automatic brightness level can also be of tremendous assistance as it adapts to your surroundings. Lastly, use a black background when possible.

2. Manage Your Apps Wisely

It’s imperative to keep track of your mobile applications, otherwise they will kill your battery. To wit:

  • Update your apps; up-to-date apps use less energy
  • Shut down your background applications
  • Avoid live-wallpaper applications
  • Install apps that help your battery, such as Battery Save Booster and Snapdragon

3. Temporarily Shut Off Push Notifications

Let’s face it: notifications are extremely helpful to keep you up-to-date on the latest breaking news story or video in your feed, but they do require power. When you need to conserve your smartphone or phablet’s energy, shut off these push notifications and disable your location-based services.


4. Be Conservative

When you’re working on the road today or you’re finishing up tasks outside the office and you need battery life then do the small things to help keep your mobile device on:

  • Turning off Wi-Fi when you don’t need it
  • Using a ringer as opposed to vibrate mode
  • Disabling the Bluetooth when you’re not in your vehicle
  • Shutting off your LTE

5. Don’t Forget a Spare Charger or Battery Case

This is where advancement in battery development has truly astonished many consumers. Instead of seeking out an electric outlet at a Tim Hortons or Starbucks, a smartphone user can simply take advantage of a spare charger that doesn’t require an electric outlet.

Battery cases are just as effective since many of them can double or triple the life of a battery for the time it’s in use. They may add to the weight of a smartphone but it’s well worth it in the end.

6. Update Software

Every software needs to be updated because then with each new version it can improve the efficiency of your battery. Many software packages consist of fine print urging the customer to update them as often as possible. Akin to an app, an out-of-date software can eat away at your battery.

7. Stay Away from Poor Signal Areas

Prompting your mobile device to search for a signal where it’s hard to find one can drain the battery. There are two solutions to this problem: first, stay away from places with poor coverage. Second, turn on Airplane Mode as you pass by these areas because it switches off the device’s cellular radio, which means emails can’t be checked and phone calls can’t be received or made.

8. Minimize the Entertainment Streaming

Sure, you’re in the lineup for a coffee or you’re on a 20-minute bus ride and you want some entertainment so you stream a YouTube video or play a mobile game. However, this can deteriorate the battery so quick you’ll only be halfway through that Louis C.K. punchline.

9. Pamper Your Battery

Keep the battery, device and ports clean. Ensure the device’s usage is limited when it’s extremely hot or bitterly cold outside. And refrain from turning it on and off repeatedly – the latter can also reduce the battery life rather quickly.

10. Charge It (But Don’t Overcharge It)

Finally, the charging process is an important process to consider. Here are some things to mull over:

  • When you first get a device, keep it plugged in for 12 hours, unplug it and run the device until it dies. This allows the device to get a feel for how the battery will behave.
  • Only charge your phone when it’s down to 10 percent or less.
  • Do not overcharge the mobile device, unless it is brand new because manufacturers recommend it then.
  • If not in use for a while, disconnect the charger from the phone and store it properly (cool and dry place).

For many remote employees, a mobile device is your career’s lifeline to the office and clients. Don’t be left offline and out-of-touch by having a faulty battery. A dependable battery in your mobile device will help with your work and ensure your colleagues that you are a reliable person who can always be contacted.

Also, see our guide on how to maximize your mobile’s memory


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Andrew Moran
Andrew Moran
Andrew Moran is a full-time professional writer and journalist, who covers the areas of business, economics and personal finance. He has contributed to Benzinga, Capital Liberty News, Career Addict, Money Morning and PFHub.


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